
Product selection:
First of all, you should be aware that you are buying an electronic product and you do not have the opportunity to feel it before you buy it. Practice shows that most misunderstandings in online shopping arise because the buyer has rushed and has not carefully read the terms of sale, delivery or the product description. So take your time, take your time and study all the information about the product you are buying carefully.
Payment for goods:
To pay for the goods, you should click on the "Buy" button on the product page. You will be redirected to the payment gateway, where you will follow the instructions to complete the payment procedure.
Receiving the goods:

All products are available to you immediately after payment - you don't have to wait a minute to start using the items you've paid for. If you have purchased a book or software, you will be given a download link and instructions on how to use it immediately after payment.

If any malfunction has occurred during payment or receipt of goods, and the funds have meanwhile been debited from your e-wallet (account, card, etc.), you can receive the paid goods at any time in My Purchases. You may access this section quickly from any page of our website by using the link located in the upper right corner of the page.

What I'm buying:
The service provides you with an indefinite lease of our personal accounts. Platforms such as steam and uplay have restrictions, in one activation, without access to transfer the game and re-activation. Games from the platform microsoft store do not have any restrictions, you can activate the account as much as you want.
Product review:
You can leave or, if necessary, change your feedback about each product purchased on our website. To do so in the My purchases , log in and in the table that appears with a list of all your purchases click on the name of the product about which you want to leave a review. Please note that negative feedback can be left up to 60 days after purchase.
Unlocking the key:
Key (code) unbinding is not performed. The key(code) is bound to the PC immediately after the first activation of the account. The key(code) is bound to the CPU and motherboard. If you reinstalled windows, the key(code) will work, you will be able to activate. If you have flashed the BIOS of the motherboard, the information on it may change and the key(code) will not work, in this case, contact our technical support, in this exception will be resolved. If you have changed CPU, motherboard or both PC components at once, the key will not work, it is a PC change.
If you have mistakenly purchased an item and it has not been activated. You can request a refund under My purchases . If you have activated the product, but for some reason you do not like it, a refund will not be possible.

By purchasing the product you agree with the rules of the service.

*Rules are subject to change and additions.